Anna Maria Bake House logo

Anna Maria Bake House is the sweetest part of Chiles Hospitality. Inspired by ancient grains and traditional baking methods, Anna Maria Bake House began as a small segment responsible for supplying the restaurants with breads and crackers to accompany the respective chef’s dishes. The bakery has since risen to the occasion of creating all of the featured desserts found on each menu as well as providing select items for online pre-order and pick-up at two locations.

Our Environmental Impact

Using local and seasonal ingredients is paramount to the Anna Maria Bake House products being produced. This not only creates the freshest and most flavorful breads, pastries and desserts - but also promotes small businesses and reduces our carbon footprint. Composting, using recyclable packaging, and pledging 1% of our annual revenue to environmental causes through the 1% for the Planet organization are all initiatives our staff is exceedingly passionate about as well.

Local Ingredients

Sustainable Methods

Seasonal Methods

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